Integrated Financial Management
Technology is key to expand public value
Governments today must address challenges on many levels. At the global level – To optimize resources, alleviate poverty, help job creation, and protect the environment. At the institutional level – To harness data to ensure well governed organisations and stay ahead of change and innovate for growth. At the citizen level – To ensure people have a greater voice and live better lives by personalizing engagement.
Technology is key to expand public value
Our Solutions
To be effective in the approaching of Government (National, Provincial and Local) financial and operational scenario, an Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) is key. Matsei has joined forces with IFS for the Public Financial sector and given the experience and capability that IFS and Matsei’s consulting resources have in the South African Government Integrated Financial Management Solutions, the range of available tools and the closeness of our teams to the Government client’s and technical solutions, we are an ideal partner to provide solution and services to the Public Sector.
Our Services
Matsei resources have extensive consulting experience in Government Integrated Financial Management Solutions and Services. Our experience is based on programmes delivered in Government providing Government Financial Management Subject Matter Expertise as well as full-filling IT Architecture and Project Management roles.
Matsei’s involvement with the South African Government enables us to provide innovative and leading Financial Management and Digital Government Solutions