Agriculture Business Solutions
A Sustainable Agriculture Business Creation Model delivering sustainable leading edge agriculture solutions to the African market.
The Global Food Security Paradigm:
The global food security challenge is straightforward:
- By 2050, the world must feed 9 billion people; and
- the demand for food will be 60% greater than it is today.
The United Nations has set ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture as the second of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the year 2030.
To achieve these objectives requires addressing a host of issues, from ageing demographics to skills development and global warming, adopting more productive business models forging strategic.
The Food Security risks: malnutrition, hunger and even conflict
Our Solution
With Our Unique Sustainable Agriculture Business Creation model comprising:
- an Integrated Through Life Cycle Capability model for food provisionng
- Strategic market hub including Innovation COE
- New Innovative Agriculture Products
- Disruptive Leading Agriculture IT & Technology solutions
- Relationships/agreements with Governments, Funders, Markets
- Suppliers and Agriculture Industry at large as a Strategic Partner (sharing Risk & Reward)
we integrating farmers including farmer communities, vendors and the consumer markets to offer the best produce to the consumers in our FUTURE FARMING model.
Our Solution
Agri Business Solution Integration
Agriculture Capability is the measure of the ability of an agriculture entity (government, department, organisation) to achieve its agriculture objectives. Successful implementation of a Sustainable Agriculture Business Creation Model is dependent on the effective integration of funding, land & resources, markets, suppliers, products, farmers, industry and leading practices for the complete agriculture / food through life cycle management.
We are a trusted solution integrator that govern and manage the complete programme ensuring farmer organisational agility and efficiency, improved farming business capability, technology efficiency, timeous return on investment for all parties.
Our Solution
Agricultural Finance – is a sectoral concept that comprises financial services for agricultural production, processing and marketing. The greatest constraint in the emerging farming market segment has been the availability and management of capital and operational funding risk comprising the lack of liquidity most farmers face during the growing season.
We provide access & proposals to funders. With our integrated solution, we also minimise the risks for funders, ensuring cost efficient access to funds for the farmer, access to global markets for fair product prices ensuring sustainable profits for re-investment and well governed & management of funds provided to farmers.
Our Solution
Consumer Markets & Dependable Suppliers
The objective of the market management pillar is to implement strategic marketing plans to reduce food costs and balance cash crops to optimize high value revenue streams as well as ensuring accredited and dependable suppliers.
We provide access to consumer markets, International Off-Taker Contracting, Forward Trading, Futures Trading, etc. as well as access to accredited and dependable suppliers, all through our online marketplace.
Our Solution
Our Unique Agriculture Products
Innovative and new leading agriculture products are required to ensure sustainable and profitable Agriculture businesses. We provide some unique food products including high protein food solutions as well as high value nutrition and health solutions such as Chaya.
Our Solution
Our core and key differentiator solution is the Market Hub comprising a Physical market management solution for the key business areas in fostering strategic partnerships, between farmers and vendors; an E-Marketplace, linking buyers and sellers, supplier discovery and development, contract negotiation, sourcing for buyers, asset disposal and selling and online negotiating generating 5 to 15% increase in profits, a Centre of Excellence providing a collaboration portal with access to Market Intelligence, Agri Knowledge Base, Agri Research and Development, Agri Partners and Leading Business Practices, Business support for small scale farmers including logistics, funding, banking, financial management, planning and business case management, insurance, Enterprise and Social economic Development programs supporting Farmers Agri Industry opportunities (“Industrialisation”).
Our core and key differentiator solution is the Market Hub
Our Solution
Information Technology
A strong Information Management foundation must be established to be able to help run core business processes along the entire agribusiness value chain more efficiently, from agricultural production and origination to trading and sales. It must support informed decisions that help balance costs, increase productivity and flexibility, mitigate trading risks, and efficiently track and trace food from farm to fork.
With our world leading IT solutions , we run core business processes along the entire agribusiness value chain more efficiently.
Our Solution
Farmers & Farmer Communities
Though large enterprises in the agro-processing industry contribute a significant share of income and employment, the relative share of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to the total employment is higher, compared to their share of total income in the industry. To ensure effective and sustainable farming operations a holistic through life cycle capability approach must be taken in terms of the farmer, farming products and the supportive and dependable communities. The objective is to up-skill farmers to become independent and self-sustainable.
We provide three models namely Self-Farming: Assisted Farming: and Turn Key as well as As part of enterprise & social development initiative emphasis are put on sustainable employment and healthy self-sustaining communities. This include community wellness programmes (diseases management, mobile clinics) and energy solutions (Solar).
Our Solution
Agri Industry
To ensure the farmer get a larger piece of the income value chain and become profitable, a supporting Agri industry is key to ensure products are processed for larger value and that not only low profitable raw products are supplied. We provide food and beverage manufacturers solutions.